Luthier's Workshop

The basic equipment of small workshops to build guitars, should be equipped as follows: - Work table size 150x80 cm plate coated with a thick cloth -Chair - Work lamp above the table minimum 80 W - Storage for small items - Police on the wall for greater things - Wardrobe to store guitars - Heating furnace - Recycle Bin - Hole in the wall with a fan.

Here are the table construction dimensions:
BILL OF MATERIALS (to build 2 tables)
(1)3/4" x 4' x 8' Sanded Exterior Plywood
(1)1/2" x 4' x 8' Plywood
(14)2" x 4" x 8' Premium Studs
(4)1/4" x 3/4" x 8' Pine Flat Screen Moulding
(80)#10 x 3" Wood Screws
(50)#10 x 2-1/2" Wood Screws
(50)#8 x 1-1/2" Construction Screws
(1)Box of 3d Finishing Nails
(1)16 oz Elmer's Carpenter's Wood Glue
(See cutting schedule below)

For the construction of the guitar needs a lot of tools, but the most essential tool to basics works is as follows: - Jigsaw-quality - Circular saws - Grinder for wood - Distributed to various - Pliers - Hammers various metal - Rubber hammer - Carpenter discipline - Drill - Milling.

This is the most basic tool builder must have to be able to perform the basic operations of processing wood. For comfortable work requires a lot of equipment, tools and machinery. So, the conclusion; building guitars is not at cheap interest.


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